Monday, November 25, 2013

Holiday Stress
We all feel it coming in one way or another; emotions, expectations, extra school work, and/or money.  Millions of American’s feel what you experience this time of year.  As a counselor, I wish this was not true as the Holidays can be a time of joy, togetherness, and laughter.  So, I challenge you to overcome this stress! 

Coping Tips:

1-      Delegate, and say NO.  Give yourself a break.   A common source of stress during this time is from the stress of doing too much, putting too much on your shoulders, or expecting yourself to do it all.  It is okay to ask for help.  In fact, people find joy in helping during this time of year.  Shift some of that stress by giving others things to do.  Know your limits.

2-      Laugh.  Watch those favorite movies that bring out your carefree side!  Life does not have to be on the go during this time of year.  The sales are not worth the stress.  Sit back and enjoy a board game with your family or a nice toasty fire.  Let your kids learn to bake cookies as you sit back and smile while they burn a few, ice the countertops, and spill sprinkles on the floor.  Spend time with the friends and family that make you feel satisfied and limit the time you spend with those people who do not.

3-      Be yourself.  Enjoy the person you are.  Do not worry about the next door neighbors or the relatives (you know them, “the perfect ones” “the Joneses”).  The key to feeling your best is being the best you!  If you’re not a baker, decorator, or candle stick maker, then do no stress yourself out trying to be.  Great Grandma’s pie, the one you make every year, stress about every year, the one that makes you chew your finger nails off,  let it go…   Enjoy the you that makes you, well you!

4-      Spend what you can afford.  Some of the best gifts come from the heart not the wallet.  Set a budget and stick to it.  If you cannot afford to buy gifts, think of things you can do together that do not cost extra.  A cup of tea, a board game, or a story night.

5-      Do not skip your health.  If you go to the gym, keep it up.  If you do not, go on a walk.  When the weather cools off and the night sky comes up early we find ourselves sitting at home for longer periods of time.  This is not good for any of us.  So head out to the gym, leave your wallet at home and walk the mall, play in the snow with your kids/dog/self, or head to the basement to play table tennis.

Enjoy this holiday season and I dare you to pick one thing to change to make it less stressful for you and your loved ones.
If what I have written above sounds familiar and you feel hopeless, depressed, or alone. If you cannot seem to get past it no matter what you try. Then you may benefit from seeing a counselor.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Letting Go with Mandala


On Saturday, I presented on how you can use Mandala’s to let go, gain mindfulness, slow down an impulsive child, restore self, and unlock unconscious thoughts.  This post comes to you with that in mind.
I encourage you to create your own Mandala (see the directions below).    The key to using this approach is to allow yourself to fully experience the process.  Don’t judge your work; let it be a free expression of your unconscious mind.

How to:
1-Print off a mandala from and color it in with your choice of art supplies
OR-Use colorful objects (sand, stone, flowers, etc…) and a large circle to create your own
2-While doing it be silent, listen to calming music, or the nature around you
3-Let it go-brush the objects away or close the coloring page
4-Reflect on your experience, your thoughts, and your feelings.
5-Enjoy a more peaceful start to your day or evening

Some theorists do this every morning to clear their minds for the day.  Some do it every evening to unload the day.  People spend minutes, hours, or even weeks on the same Mandala.  Do what you need there are no rules.  The only key is to let it go when you’re done (in your own time).

Monday, September 9, 2013

Columbus Parent Support Group to Start:


(When Parenting Isn’t Textbook)

Jodi J. Schermerhorn, MsEd, PC-CR (facilitator)

Why: To join other parents to share, unload, support, and process the difficulties of parenting a special needs child(ren).

When: Starts Tuesday, October 8th, 2013 at 6:30 PM
*This is a three part series and continues on November 12th, 2013 and December 10th, 2013.  With future series dates to be determined on December 10th.

Where: Grove City Church of the Nazarene
                   4770 Hoover Road, Grove City Ohio 43123

Cost: $30 for series

To Register:
  Call:    Jodi at 614-442-7650 ext 8; or
  Email: Jodi at

 Space is limited so register now to reserve a spot!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Back to School Anxiety

This is a tough time of year for many children. This time of year we see that anxiety peeks in school age kids and parents; below are tips to help:

1) Be Receptive-If you keep the lines of communication open it tells child(ren) you are available to them to talk about these anxieties.  For all people simply talking about things out loud helps them process.  If talking isn't helpful let them draw or write about it.   

2) Validate the Anxiety-This is an always!  Don't give them the solution or tell them it will be alright.  Just reflect on the experience the child(ren) tells you they are having.  Help them put a feeling word with the anxiety.  Acknowledge it and let them know you hear them!  If they need to cry it out-let them.  Just sitting with them during the tears is validation.

3) Help your child(ren) identify the positives going on during this time of year.

4) Teach your child(ren) some coping skills for anxiety.  Model coping skills for your child.

5) Find yourself a trusting person to help you during this time.  Being a parent is tough and you need to be validated just as much as your child(ren) do.

Friday, July 19, 2013


What makes you laugh? Maybe its when you go out for dinner with friends or sit on the paito with your spouse.  Maybe its when you are watching a funny movie.  What is it that lets you enjoy the gift of laughter?

Make a plan to laugh.  Go ahead schedule a date night or look for a movie at the store, just make the plan and commit to it!


Tuesday, May 28, 2013

You Can Do It!

Today reflect on:
       What is Missing: What is that list of things you have always wanted to try/do/experience... 
A commitment to your self to do one of them this week/weekend.  It doesn't have to be big (jump out of an airplane) just something (make a model out of clay or plant an herb garden). 
These things that you want to try are holding you back from a stronger sense of self.  Work at accomplishing these and you will notice a stronger belief in yourself. 

Book to check out: "You Can Do It!"

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Today reflect on:


A list of your strengths. 
Ask your self:
Are you practicing them?  If not, ask why? Follow up with a plan to practice these strengths everyday?

Work at making these strengths reflect your everyday actions.  Work at it little by little and if you fall away from it, don't worry, you can always return.

Click here to visit my practices website!