Thursday, January 16, 2014


Its a New Year, take the time to look at your life.

Is it in balance?
What can you do to feel more satisfied?
Three Questions to Consider:
1. Where are you currently?
2. Where do you want to be?
3. How can you get there?

Activity 1:      Balance Wheel

1) Draw a circle
2) Divide that circle into 8 parts

3) Label them Career, Financial, Health, Friends and Family, Significant Other/Romance, Personal, Fun/Activities, and Environment.
4) Grab a marker or pencil.

5) Look at your circle.
When moving to the next part of this activity, see the middle point as 0 and the outer edge of each triangle as 10. (0 would mean you are not satisfied in this area of your life and 10 would mean you are 100% satisfied.)

6) Start at the middle of the circle and shade in each triangle the amount you are satisfied. Color all the way

Is your circle round and even all the way around?  Would you want your bike to have tires like this?  If not, then you are probably shocked at what you have in front of you?  If you don’t like the results do the next activity.  Identify how you will focus your energy this year to make changes.

Activity 2: My Plan

1)    List the top three areas your life is out of balance.
2)    List items for each area that you would like to rework.  What are the reasons they are not at a 8 or 9? Identify them for yourself.

      3)    List the things you must stop doing?

4)    Make a plan.  Remember: Small steps lead to success

“ Does all this clutter make my butt look fat” (book by Peter Walsh Buy here)
                 This book is about a personal organizer he tells the story of a lady who
                   hired him to clean up her garage and basement.  In the process of getting
                   rid of what she did not need (the clutter) other areas of her life started to 
                   balance out. 

As people deal with what is weighting them down they tend to find more satisfaction in other areas of their life.  You can do this too.  Look at your balance wheel (activity 1).  Make a plan (activity 2).

Maybe you have a one sided relationship that you put more effort into.  Do you need to use the word “no” more? Set limits for yourself?  

As you look at your balance wheel and your top three priorities.  Ask yourself two questions; What do I want to accomplish and what is preventing me from doing it?

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