Thursday, November 19, 2015

Something to think about...

A recent study found that people who gave up Facebook for just one week (one week) reported less envy, less sadness and feeling an overall increase in satisfaction with their lives.  

Something to consider just one week free from facebook; how would you feel?

The study was based from the concept that "When we evaluate our lives, we are influenced by social comparisons. How am I doing compared to my peers? Since social media is a constant flow of great news for other people, we wanted to conduct an experiment where a randomised trial group did not log on to Facebook for one week. We were surprised by the results.

Isn't that true for most of us.

Wanna read more about this study at

What I hope this blog post suggests is: We have to have boundaries with social media, cell phones, friends, emails, work, etc...  If facebook isn't your go to or if you can't do a whole week disconnected, what about setting limits for how long and when you connect.  Even disconnecting from a cellphone at the end of the day is restoring.

Consider it!

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